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An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.

Last Stand:
- Fixed ammo pile in Junkyard not spawning on second round of Versus.
- Fixed exploit where the trigger used to quiet the Director could be activated after the finale started.

- Fixed an issue where Fallen Survivors could still drop medkits on Riverbank.
- Fixed issue where several weapon spawners would absorb dropped weapons on Barge.

Tank Run:
- Fixed an issue in Scavenge finales that prevented the escape vehicle from working.
- The Sacrifice finale will now spawn Tanks properly and the bridge will lower when the timer reaches 0.

- Fixed players ending up with no viewmodel and no avatar by rejoining a game where any survivor already left the safe room.
- Added support for custom playground maps ( a guide will provided by ReneTM ).
- Fixed players not instantly dying when jumping into c14m1 safe room water area.
- Fixed players not instantly dying when jumping into c14m2 finale water.
- Lowered slow motion probability from 10% to 5% as requested by many players.
- Fixed RocketDude decals sometimes not showing up.
- Fixed new best times not saving.
- Added Start and finish textures.

- Updated several Mutations to fix the issue where the weapons in Whitaker's Gun Store weren't being removed or converted.
- Fixed tanks failing to spawn in versus on No Mercy 3 (at 90+% boss flow).
- Fixed tanks spawning before the finale on No Mercy 5.
- Fixed a few stuck Special Infected issues on survival maps.
- Fixed setting the input mode to joystick/Steam Input.
- Increased command limit before causing a disconnect.
- Fixed some reported model crashes.

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