An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
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- Fixed players not being able to rocket jump or stickybomb jump during a truce
- Fixed missing War Paint icons in the Steam Community Market
- Updated the Impish Ears to add a missing style
- Updated the equip_region for the Gourd Grin
- Updated The Ghoul Box to fix an issue with the materials
- Updated pl_hasslecastle
- Added occluders to improve optimization
- Added a spell book near the first RED spawn and the first BLU spawn
- Brightened up some areas
- Fixed some texture misalignments
- Reduced the saturation of purple spell book patches
- Changed the ending when BLU wins
- Fixed the arrow signs not changing near the first RED spawn
- Fixed an out-of-bounds exploit near the first point
- Fixed an out-of-bounds exploit in the second BLU spawn
- Fixed an out-of-bounds exploit near the cliff at the second-to-last point
- Changed the doors in the second BLU and the first RED spawn rooms to standard ones
- Fixed a displacement error near the entrance to the last point
- Moved the resupply cabinet from the second BLU spawn out of the wall
- Updated the "Kill with a pumpkin bomb" bonus objective to be "Win a round"
- Fixed some texture errors
- Brightened up the map
- General improvements
- Added occluders to improve optimization
- Updated pl_precipice_event_final
- Lowered amount of entities on the map to prevent crashing
- Adjusted some misaligned textures around the map
- Simplified some detail for better performance
- Combined some models for better performance
- Removed some clutter to improve readability and fluid movement
- Fixed some lighting bugs around the map
- Added a one way door to left flank on last CP for Blu
- Removed build limitations on both Shack (CP1) and the isolated balcony (final CP)
- Adjusted health kits in last to be less favorable to defense
- Lowered amount of entities on the map to prevent crashing
- Updated koth_megalo
- Fixed players building teleporters in RED spawn
- Updated pl_bloodwater
- Fixed exploit using the Minify spell at point A
- Fixed being able to build as an Engineer in lava pits
- Bosses no longer get stuck in lava pits
- Reduced the chance of the Horseless Headless Horsemann and Monoculus spawning
- Updated all railings to not collide with projectiles and bullets
- Removed normal-sized skeleton spawn locations
- Fixed exploit using the Minify spell at point A
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