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An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Mannpower update
    • Dominant players are now marked for death only when carrying a powerup
    • Shield charge meter passive refill rate reduced. Reduction is greater when carrying a powerup
    • Items or actions that add to the shield charge meter now add less when carrying a powerup
    • Carried buildings now deploy faster than default, but not instant
    • Decapitating swords no longer get the base melee damage boost other melee weapons get in Mannpower
    • Strength powerup no longer multiplies critical damage
    • Medic
      • Powered up medics with unpowered up targets get a less reduced heal rate (50% -> 75% of default rate)
      • Reduced ubercharge gain on Ubersaw hit in Mannpower. 40% of regular rate if not powered up, 20% of regular rate if powered up

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